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Legal Rights and Recovery for Pedestrians Hit by Cars in Ontario

Legal Rights and Recovery for Pedestrians Hit by Cars in Ontario

Being struck by a car as a pedestrian is a traumatic experience that can result in serious injuries. In Ontario, victims have legal rights and avenues for recovery. In this article, we’ll explore what happens when someone is hit by a car, the role of personal injury lawyers, and how victims can seek compensation.

Immediate Steps After the Accident

  1. Seek Medical Attention: If you’ve been hit by a car, prioritize your health. Call an ambulance to assess and treat your injuries promptly1.
  2. File a Police Report: Report the incident to the police, either at the scene or shortly thereafter.
  3. Notify Insurance Companies: Inform your insurance company (or the driver’s insurance company) within 7 days of the accident2.

Accident Benefits for Pedestrians

In Ontario, pedestrians may be eligible for “no-fault benefits,” which include:

  • Income Replacement: Up to 70% of your pre-accident gross salary (up to $400 per week or more).
  • Rehab and Medical Expenses: Up to $50,000 or $1,000,000 if injuries are deemed “catastrophic.”
  • Non-Earner Benefit: For those not employed at the time of the accident.
  • Attendant Care Benefits and Death Benefits.

The Role of Personal Injury Lawyers

  1. Navigating the Legal Process: A personal injury lawyer helps you understand your rights, negotiate with insurance companies, and file necessary paperwork.
  2. Maximizing Compensation: Lawyers fight for fair compensation beyond medical expenses. This includes lost wages, pain and suffering, and future care costs.
  3. Proving Liability: Lawyers gather evidence to establish fault, whether against the driver or another party.
  4. Handling Disputes: Lawyers can resolve disputes with insurance companies and employers regarding missed workdays due to injuries.

Challenges Faced by Injured Pedestrians

  • Inability to Work: Serious injuries often prevent victims from returning to work immediately, affecting their livelihood.
  • Physical and Emotional Trauma: Recovery can be lengthy and emotionally draining.
  • Financial Strain: Medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and lost income add up.

Final Words

Pedestrians hit by cars face physical, emotional, and financial challenges. Seeking legal representation ensures their rights are protected and helps them navigate the complex process of recovery and compensation. If you’re in this situation, consult a personal injury lawyer to explore your options.

Trotta Law specializes in personal injury cases in Ontario. Our experienced team fights for the rights of accident victims, ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation and personalized legal advice.

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