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Protect your legacy with a will today

Expert Wills Drafting Services

TROTTA LAW specializes in providing comprehensive wills drafting services tailored to meet the unique needs of clients in Ontario. With a deep understanding of the province’s legal framework, our experienced team ensures that every will we draft is meticulously crafted to adhere to Ontario’s laws and regulations. 

From simple wills for individuals with straightforward estates to complex wills involving trusts and intricate asset distributions, we provide personalized solutions that offer peace of mind to our clients and their families.

Navigating Ontario's Estate Planning Landscape

In Ontario, estate planning requires careful consideration of various factors, including tax implications, family dynamics, and legal requirements. Our dedicated team of legal professionals is well-versed in navigating this landscape, offering expert guidance at every step of the process. 

Whether clients need assistance in appointing executors, guardians for minor children, or drafting powers of attorney, we provide comprehensive support to ensure their wishes are accurately reflected in their wills.

Navigating Ontario's Estate Planning Landscape

In Ontario, estate planning requires careful consideration of various factors, including tax implications, family dynamics, and legal requirements. Our dedicated team of legal professionals is well-versed in navigating this landscape, offering expert guidance at every step of the process. 

Whether clients need assistance in appointing executors, guardians for minor children, or drafting powers of attorney, we provide comprehensive support to ensure their wishes are accurately reflected in their wills.

frequently asked questions

What is the importance of having a will in Ontario?

Having a will in Ontario is crucial as it allows you to dictate how your assets will be distributed after your passing. Without a will, Ontario's intestacy laws will govern the distribution of your estate, which may not align with your wishes. A will also enables you to appoint guardians for minor children, specify funeral arrangements, and minimize potential conflicts among beneficiaries.

How often should I update my will?

It's advisable to review and update your will whenever significant life events occur, such as marriage, divorce, birth of children or grandchildren, or acquisition of substantial assets. Additionally, changes in tax laws or family dynamics may necessitate revisions to your will. Regularly reviewing your will ensures that it remains reflective of your current circumstances and intentions.

Can I draft my own will using a template?

While it's possible to draft your own will using a template, it's not recommended, especially in Ontario where specific legal requirements must be met to ensure the validity of the document. A poorly drafted will may lead to disputes, delays, or even the invalidation of your wishes. Seeking guidance from a qualified legal professional ensures that your will complies with Ontario's laws and accurately reflects your intentions.

What happens if I die without a will in Ontario?

If you die without a will in Ontario, your estate will be distributed according to the province's intestacy laws. Typically, this means that your assets will be divided among your closest relatives, such as your spouse, children, or parents, in a predetermined order. Without a will, there is no provision for friends, charities, or other individuals or organizations you may wish to benefit.

How can a lawyer help with estate planning and will drafting?

A lawyer specializing in estate planning can provide invaluable assistance in drafting a will that accurately reflects your wishes and complies with provincial laws. They can also offer guidance on minimizing taxes, establishing trusts, appointing executors and guardians, and creating powers of attorney. By engaging a lawyer, you ensure that your estate plan is legally sound and tailored to your unique circumstances and objectives.

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