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Personal Injury

your health is our priority

Vaughan based personal injury lawyers

When you are involved in motor vehicle accident you are entitled to receive benefits called Statutory Accident Benefits from your automobile insurers regardless of fault. Depending on your circumstances, these benefits may include limited coverage for medical treatment, income loss, care giving expenses, housekeeping and other out-of-pocket expenses arising from your collision-related injuries. We will work diligently to ensure that you receive all benefits to which you are entitled under the law.

It is important to act immediately as there are strict timelines in an accident benefits claim.  Please contact us for a free consultation. We will inform you of your rights and assist you with your claim for accident benefits.

Our Areas of Practice

Car Accidents

A car accident occurs when two or more vehicles collide, resulting in damage to property, injuries, or fatalities. Factors such as speed, weather conditions, and driver error can contribute to accidents.

Slip/Trip & Falls

It occurs when an individual loses balance or footing, leading to a fall due to hazardous conditions like wet floors, uneven surfaces, or debris, often resulting in injuries.

Catastrophic Injury

Refers to severe, life-altering injuries that result in long-term or permanent disabilities, such as spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, or loss of limbs, significantly impacting one's quality of life.

Dog Bites

When a dog attacks and injures a person, resulting in puncture wounds, lacerations, or tissue damage. Dog bites can cause physical injuries, emotional trauma, and potential long-term complications.

Pedestrian Accidents

Involves a collision between a vehicle and a person traveling on foot. These accidents often result in severe injuries or fatalities to pedestrians due to the lack of protection against the impact.

Insurance Benefits

Disability insurance provides financial security in illness or injury, yet valid claims are often denied. Our firm holds Canadian insurers accountable, securing rightful payments and negotiating lump sum settlements.


If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident and you are not at fault, you may also have a tort claim. A tort claim involves bringing a legal action against the at-fault party or at-fault parties. In a tort claim, unlike an accident benefits claim, you may obtain compensation for pain and suffering, income loss, future medical care as well as housekeeping.  A tort claim has strict limitations and must be commenced by the second anniversary after which you discover or ought to have discovered that you have sustained serious impairment as a result of the motor vehicle accident.  Therefore, it is important that you consult with a qualified legal representative who can guide you through your recovery.  

Trotta Law Firm prides itself in ensuring that our clients focus on their recovery and want you to know that we are in this together.  We will be with you during every stage of your legal claim to ensure a successful outcome and recovery.   


If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident and you are not at fault, you may also have a tort claim. A tort claim involves bringing a legal action against the at-fault party or at-fault parties. In a tort claim, unlike an accident benefits claim, you may obtain compensation for pain and suffering, income loss, future medical care as well as housekeeping.  A tort claim has strict limitations and must be commenced by the second anniversary after which you discover or ought to have discovered that you have sustained serious impairment as a result of the motor vehicle accident.  Therefore, it is important that you consult with a qualified legal representative who can guide you through your recovery.  

Trotta Law Firm prides itself in ensuring that our clients focus on their recovery and want you to know that we are in this together.  We will be with you during every stage of your legal claim to ensure a successful outcome and recovery.   

frequently asked questions

What types of personal injury cases does your law firm handle?

Our law firm specializes in a wide range of personal injury cases, including car accidents, slip and fall incidents, medical malpractice, product liability, and workplace accidents. We have extensive experience advocating for clients who have suffered injuries due to negligence or wrongdoing.

How do I know if I have a valid personal injury claim?

If you have suffered injuries due to someone else's negligence or intentional actions, you may have a valid personal injury claim. It's essential to consult with our experienced personal injury lawyers who can assess your case's merits during a free consultation and provide guidance on the next steps to take.

What compensation am I entitled to in a personal injury case?

In a personal injury case, you may be entitled to various forms of compensation, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of earning capacity. Our dedicated legal team will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the maximum compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses.

How long will it take to resolve my personal injury case?

The duration of a personal injury case can vary depending on various factors, such as the complexity of the case, the extent of your injuries, and the willingness of the opposing party to negotiate a fair settlement. Our goal is to resolve your case efficiently while ensuring you receive fair and just compensation for your injuries.

Do I need to go to court for my personal injury case?

While some personal injury cases may require litigation and trial, many are resolved through negotiation and settlement outside of court. Our experienced personal injury lawyers are skilled negotiators who will strive to reach a favorable settlement on your behalf. However, if litigation becomes necessary, rest assured that we will vigorously advocate for your rights in court.

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